Joseph Campbell:
Grail Legends,
Mythology and the Individual,
Marc Stevens:
Colorado Springs Lecture Part 1, 2, 3,
No State Project Misc,
Robert Kiyosaki:
Freedom or Security,
Misc Audio,
Protect Business,
Protecting Your #1 Asset,
Rich Dad, Poor Dad,
Take Control Of Your Cash Flow,
Secret History of the American Empire Part 1, 2,
Rick Strassman - DMT Spirit Molecule,
Stock Market Secrets Your Broker Won't Tell You,
Sun Tzu:
Art of War 1,
Art of War 2,
The Teaching Company:
African Experience from Lucy to Mandela,
Argumentation - Study of Effective Reasoning,
Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights,
Foundations of Western Civilization II,
Great Ideas of Classical Physics,
God and Mankind - Comparative Religions,
Great Ideas of Philosophy,
Great Ideas of Psychology,
Herodotus, The [Eurocentric] Father of History,
High Middle Ages,
History of the United States (2nd edition),
Human Prehistory and the First Civilizations Part 1-19, 20-36,
Legacies of Great Economists,
Life of the Mind - An Introduction to Psychology,
Love and Vengeance - A Course on Human Emotion,
Particle Physics for Non-Physicists,
Perspectives on Abnormal Psychology,
Philosophy of Mind - Brains, Consciousness, and Thinking Machines,
Philosophy of Science,
Plato, Socrates and the Dialogues,
Representing Justice,
Rome and the Barbarians,
St. Augustine’s Confessions,
Will to Power - The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche,
Winston Shrout: Misc Audio 1, 2,
Work Less, Make More,
1491 New Revelations Of The Americas,
Alan Watts:
12 Images of God,
Bertrand Russell Interview,
Carl Jung,
Classic Radio Talks,
Do You Do It, Or Does It Do You: Intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Drug Abuse,
Ecology & Religion,
Fundamentals of Buddhism,
Fundamentals of Buddhism,
Games of Simplicity and Complexity,
I Think,
Identical differences,
Indras Net,
Insight & Ecstacy,
Intellectual Yoga,
Interview with God,
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching,
Laura Huxley Conversation,
Learning the Human Game,
Lecture on GK Chesterton,
Love And Wisdom,
Love of Wisdom - Being in the Way,
Meditation - O2,
Myth and Religion:
01 Not What Should Be, But What Is,
02 Spiritual Authority,
03 Jesus and his Religion,
04 Democracy in Heaven,
05 Image of Man,
06 Sex in the Church,
07 Karma of Christianity,
Myself, Mistaken Identity,
Mythology of Hinduism I,
NYC as Manisfestation of Avolokiteshvera,
On Being God Part 1, 2,
Our Image of The World,
Out of the Trap,
Out Of Your Mind:
Audio Book,
Disc 01 - The Nature of Consciousness [Part 1],
Disc 02 - The Nature of Consciousness [Part 2],
Disc 03 - The Web of Life [Part 1],
Disc 04 - The Web Of Life [Part 2],
Disc 05 - The Inevitable Ecstacy [Part 1],
Disc 06 - The Inevitable Ecstacy [Part 2],
Disc 07 - The World As Just So [Part 1],
Disc 08 - The World As Just So [Part 2],
Disc 09 - The World As Self [Part 1],
Disc 10 - The World As Self [Part 2],
Disc 11 - The World As Emptiness [Part 1],
Disc 12 - The World As Emptiness [Part 2],
Philosophies of Asia,
Philosophy and Society: Part 1, 2,
Philosophy of Tao:
01 - Eastern and Western Zen - Zen Bones (Part 1 & 2),
02 - Eastern and Western Zen - Zen Tales (Part 1 & 2),
03 - Myth and Religion - Not What Should Be,
04 - Myth and Religion - On Being God,
05 - Talks with Mrs. Huxley,
06 - Alan Watts Teaches the Art of Meditation,
07 - The Love of Wisdom - 1969 Lecture to IBM Engineers,
08 - The Tao of Philosophy - 01 - Myth of Myself,
09 - The Tao of Philosophy - 02 - Man in Nature,
10 - The Tao of Philosophy - 03 - Coincidence of Opposites,
11 - Who Is It Who Knows There Is No Ego,
Polar Thinking,
Questioning Basic Assumptions,
Readings from Hindu Scriptures: Part 1, 2,
Recorded High on LSD,
Sense of Nonsense,
Slices of Wisdom,
Still in the Mind,
Strange Prayers,
Tai Chi Chuan,
Teaches Meditation: Part 1, 2,
The Art of the Controlled Accident,
The Bomb, Margaret Mead Consciousness, The I-C,
The Ego,
The Game of Yes & No,
The Game Theory of Ethics,
The Human Game,
The Joker,
The Quaking Mess,
The Silent Mind,
The Solution Of The Problem Of Life,
The Summer of Love - The Psychadelic Experience,
The Unpreachable Religion,
The Veil of Thought,
The Way and Its Power,
This Is It,
Transcending Duality,
Turning the Head (On Drugs),
Unintelligent Universe,
Way Beyond the West,
Way of Zen: Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Who is it who knows there is No Ego,
Whole Thing,
Whose is the Power Kingdom and Glory,
Wisdom of the Mountains,
World as Just So,
Zen and the Arts,
Zen And The Contolled Accident,
Zen And The Limits of Explanation,
Zen Bones & Zen Clues,
Zen Practice, Zen Art,